


本會純粹自發成立,並無任何商業、宗教及政治背景。於2022年5月時,由一班熱愛足球運動嘅香港人發起,最初只集中在籌辦足球活動。漸漸參與人數越來越多,而為咗可以照 顧到一班足球發燒友嘅太太及小朋友,繼而開始有其他活動,例如羽毛球🏸️、籃球🏀、乒乓球🏓️、行山遠足⛰️、高卡車🏎、桌球 🎱及水上活動🚣‍♀️等等。 除咗體育活動,本會希望可以提供一個平台俾各位香港人互相交流,不論在生活上及工作上都可以互相分享及幫忙。 本會更希望可以幫助各位香港人融入英國嘅生活,能夠有更多機會同本地英國人互動及交流。因此,本會將會籌辦例如義工活動或與本地英國人一 齊參與嘅體育活動。歡迎大家提供意見及想法,希望大家喺諾域治可以有一個開心愉快嘅新生活。

Norwich HKer Association:

The establishment of Norwich HKer Association is voluntary basis. We don’t have any commercial, religion or political background. In May 2022, a group of HK people who love to play football started to establish a football team. Initially, we just focus on organising the football game. As more and more HKers joining the team, we would like to take care their family members as well. As a result, we commenced to arrange another activities, such as badminton, basketball, hiking, Go-kar, snooker and aquatic activities, etc. Apart from sports activities, we would like offer a platform to all HKers for communication and sharing, no matter job or living issues in Norwich. We aimed to assist all HKers to familiar with the live in Norwich and adopt the local culture as soon as possible. Therefore, we plan to organise some volunteering activities together with the local people or charities. Feel free to let us know your thought and comments. We wish all of us will have a prosperous live in Norwich.


1. 本會主力籌辦各類體育及娛樂活動,盡量令生活在諾域治的香港人有適量的運動,保持健康良好嘅體魄。

2. 連繫及團結在諾域治生活的香港人,發揮香港人嘅獅子山精神。協助剛移居到諾域治生活的香港人盡快適應及融入英國的生活。


1. Organise different kind of sports and entertaining activities. Target to make the Norwich HKers have chance to do more exercise and maintain a healthy body.

2. Line up and gather the Norwich HKers to strengthen the communication and sharing. To exert the “HK Lion Rock Mountain” spirit, assist the newbies to adopt the live in Norwich.



Simon Chan

創辦人兼會長 | Founder and President


Kit Chan

共同創辦人兼副會長 | Co-founder and Vice President


Ben Chan

執委會成員 | Committee member


Eric Kwok

執委會成員 | Committee member

喜歡籃球,希望建立一支不計較勝負嘅快樂籃球隊。「你喜歡籃球嗎?」 另外還有船釣,間中都會出海釣魚,有興趣可以一齊去。

Jerry Chan

執委會成員 | Committee member

2021年12月從香港移居Norwich。 最鍾意食野同做運動。

Joey Leung

執委會成員 | Committee member


Kendie Woo

行政 | Administrator


Geoffrey Mak

財務 | Finance


Eddie Kwok

媒體及傳播總監 | Director of Media and Communications

擁有多媒體製作多年經驗,曾任短片導演、編導,雜誌專欄作者、產品攝影、雜誌封面攝影師。出版過8本叢書,舉辦過個人攝影展,喜歡 以影像及文字說故事。